Monday, July 1, 2013

Tomato Pie

Yes. Tomato Pie.

I bought 2 flats of huge beefsteak tomatoes to teach a bunch of my daughters friends how to make their own salsa. I waaaay over bought.

I went to Facebook and asked my friends what they would do with all these tomatoes - other than make salsa. I got lots of advice - marinara sauce, lasagna, tomato jam (!?) and something I'd never heard of... Tomato Pie. I was intrigued - but not sold. She posted the recipe and I was very interested. A couple of days later, my big foodie friend Geoff posted that he had made said Tomato Pie and called it the "winner!" Now, I was sold.

We all had second helpings of this delicious side - my daughter said it tasted like lasagna - but better (if you're looking for some verbage to sell your kids on this).

See all those little bits of basil in there?? I'm growing basil in the back yard - so I'm hoping the next time I make this I will have enough basil to layer fresh basil leaves over each layer of tomatoes - oh yeah baby.

I used the recipe my friend, Dawn, posted - with a slight variation.
Tomato Pie
1 frozen pie crust
3 large beefsteak tomatoes, sliced
2 cups Ricotta cheese
1/2 - 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese (I used shavings)
1-2 T basil paste (stores were OUT of fresh basil!)
1 t garlic powder
salt and pepper

Slice tomatoes, lay them in a colander in the sink and salt them. Allow them to drain for about 10 minutes.

Combine cheeses, garlic powder and basil paste.

Layer the tomato slices in the pie crust - peppering as you go. Cover the tomatoes with the cheese mixture.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes - or until the top is slightly golden brown. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before serving.

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