Saturday, March 28, 2020

Chicken Pot Pie (IZ)

Miss 12 made this delicious riff on chicken pot pie

Thaw pie dough (x2)
1 1/2 lbs chicken (rotisserie)
1/2 bag frozen corn
1/2 bag frozen peas
1/2 bag diced hash browns
1 can cream of chicken (or what ever cream you have on hand) soup
1/2 diced onion
Salt & pepper to taste
1/4 tsp ground thyme
1/4 tsp garlic powder

Par bake bottom pie crust.

Add all other components (except top pie crust) and mix thoroughly.

Add chicken mixture to par baked crust and top with second thawed pie crust - don't forget to vent the pie crust!!

This was an experiment - so we kept opening and closing the oven - which dragged our time at 350 degrees from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. At that point we were all so starving we opted to discard the top crust.

Mississippi Mud Pie


I bought a Costco sized bag pull of pie crusts a few months ago - so I've been brainstorming on how to use everything we have.

This recipe is just on here for Miss 15 - she's the one that made it - this is so she can replicate it...

MISSissippi Mud Pie
Thaw pie crust (or get graham cracker crust)
1 box chocolate JELL-O pudding
3 cups chocolate milk
Heavy cream
Chocolate Chips

Prepare JELL-O pudding per "instant" directions with 3 cups chocolate milk.

Use beaters or electric whisk to beat heavy cream into stiff peaks.

Add JELL-O pudding to cooled crust, top with whipped cream and chocolate chips.


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