Saturday, February 22, 2020

Life SKILLZ - The kids take over

I'm going to post this in one big blob - blog.

I am staring down the barrel of my oldest going off to college in less than a year and a half and I'll tell you what - I. Just. Don't. Wan't. That. To. Happen.

But - of course I do - for him to have a happy, normal life - but SERIOUSLY?!?

I'm big into research - like BIG. I've been listening to podcasts and reading articles on parenting teenagers and bucket lists about what to do with your teenagers before they sprout their wings and fly away and a bunch of GARBAGE! Only slightly kidding - what is this business about raising your kids just so they can leave you in order to function as normal adults anyway?


I've always encouraged my kids to help me cook - or cook themselves (even if that means dumping a bunch of canned goods into a crock pot).

After being inconsistent for the last 15+ years - I've reintroduced our kids making dinner for the family.

This is no easy feat. We have allergy restrictions and we also live with the pickiest eater on the galaxy. No lie.

Why am I doing this? Because I want my kids to be self sufficient (stab me in the heart!) and I want them to be independent (did I actually just say that?)

Teriyaki meatballs
Sweet Rice
She used the crock pot for the meatballs (Costco), added Teriyaki sauce and let them heat up in there. She used the pressure cooker for the sweet rice and whatever we had on hand for the salad. She was VERY CLEAR about how to assemble the bowl and very proud of what she had accomplished.

Sloppy Joes
He raved about how delicious his dinner was and said that when he goes to college - he is going to make sloppy Joe's every night!

Her favorite thing to eat EVER. I forgot that my recipe makes 2 9x13 pans - and we didn't have freezer space - so we took a casserole over to a friend that was having a stressful week. The next day at school - one of the boys in that family came up and told Izzie that her enchiladas were the best he's ever had.

White Bean Chicken Chili
This meal is just opening cans, dumping them in a crock pot and letting it do all the work. Easy peasy.

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