Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Operation Get This Baby Fat Off Me!!

I had a baby 2 months ago. She's my 4th. After I have a baby, I work my buns off to get back to my pre-baby weight. Once I'm there - it's easy for me to maintain my weight b/c I'm busy chasing all my kiddos around:) It's the getting there that is the HARD part!!

It's no secret that I love food. I mean - I. Love. Food. So 'dieting' is something I loathe. It's both a word and a way of life I do everything in my power to avoid. But, I'm in dire straits here. 4th baby, out of shape, in my late 30's - somethings gotta be done.

I've just started working out - zumba, treadmill, biking, volleyball - which is the usual way I lose that baby fat - but I'm also watching what I eat.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I just started Monday, so far I've stuck to my plan - but we'll see how it goes...Anyway... part of losing weight is exercising - but the other just as important part is what you eat - and that you eat! Limiting yourself to under 1200 calories a day actually works against you - it puts your body into starvation mode. I shoot for 1500-1700 calories a day.

Who wants to count calories?? Not me. Not the old fashioned way at least. BUT, I've found a way to simplify things. It's an app called 'everyday health calorie counter' it's free, it allows you to enter in all the foods you eat and any exercise you do. It's brilliant. You can also Google the same thing and get it on your computer. You put in your current weight, it suggests a 'healthy' weight for you and gives you a calorie intake based on that.

I am going to post a series of meals UNDER 500 CALORIES. Since you all know about my love affair with food - you know that I'll be honest about these recipes. I'll let you know what I liked, what I tweaked and what I'll never eat again.

ARE YOU IN??? Leave a comment and let me know if you are in! Dieting is always so much easier if you have a support group:) I'll post all my UNDER 500 CALORIE recipes under the categories "diet" and "healthy." I'll also try to link up the diet/healthy recipes weekly or bi-weekly to make it easier.

** For those of you that aren't dieting, I'll still be posting amazing, mouth watering, family pleasing food too - for the food I make my skin and bones kiddos, those days that I cheat - or the days that I workout like a crazy person and totally deserve it:)

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