Saturday, March 16, 2019

Family Pizza Night

Occasionally we have a family pizza night that doesn't involve Papa Murphy's (which we all love) and every time we do - we all say "we need to do this more!"

For once - I captured pictures of all of our pies - and since we just did it last night - I can still remember the ingredients!

We use our local grocery store's pre-made pizza dough - pammed the sheet pan, sprinkled it with corn meal, slapped the rolled out dough on to it. Then drizzled with EVOO, salt and pepper for all of these recipes. We cook them on 525 until they are bubbly and browned (depending on size and thickness of dough between 5-10 minutes) and then go crazy - here's what we came up with...

The picture above is my husbands concoction - his version of a pizza called the Atom Bomb that was his favorite when we lived in NM:
Atom Bomb
BBQ sauce, Chicken, Red onion, Mozzarella, shredded, diced green chilis

Next up!!!

Ms. 14 - BLT Salad:
Mozzarella, shredded, Bacon, Chicken and now cook it. After it's cooked, top with cold... Lettuce, Red Onion, Diced tomato, Drizzle with Ranch Dressing

Mr. 16's Sweet & Savory Chicken:
Chicken, mozzarella, BBQ sauce, red onions and bacon
Miss 7's Heart:
Marinara and shredded Mozzarella - the key is to shape the dough into a heart :)

Miss 11's Ode to Cheese:
Marinara with as much pepperoni and as many kinds of cheese you have in your house

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