Monday, March 4, 2019

Thai Meatballs and Sweet Rice

An awesome "fast food - home cooked" meal.

I thought I was busy when I had 4 little kids. Now that I have 2 teenagers, a very mature pre-teen and a 7 year old - we are FREAKIN' BUSY!

Our oldest is involved year round in HS sports with swim team and track, the next 2 in line are in soccer year round and finally Ms. P is involved w soccer and dance. So - I have no control over my life whatsoever. I am SOOOOO looking forward to our oldest getting his license - but he isn't so motivated...

This is relevant bc I am always looking for short cuts and quick meals.

We make it a priority to have a sit down dinner every night as a family. More often than not - it happens and I'm so grateful for that. We have some of our most memorable talks, inside jokes and bonding around our dinner table.

There are definitely nights that we can't all sit down - but I work hard to provide a home made meal for everyone to enjoy when they are home and ready for dinner.

Here's my CHEAT!!!

I got these at my local Costco. My husband and I don't like Thai food - but the entire family - including my husband and I approved of these. 12 minutes in the oven and done.

I served these on top of a Family Fave Sweet Jasmine Rice smiles all around. 

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